14 July 2010



Today I was seeking new scientific findings to share on the blog. Since I struggle from agoraphobia as the result of repeated panic attacks. I decided to explore this a little more. I learned according to one study that the definition of agoraphobia is the fear of having a panic attack in an environment where one would be embarrassed, escape is impossible, or help is not available. There is a global disagreement regarding whether agoraphobia is a stand alone dynamic as commonly viewed in European Countries, or whether it follows an identifieable pattern with the diagnosis of Panic Disorder, as viewed in the American Research.

The fear of have a panic attack without escape was termed "Phobia phobic." Just roll that over your tongue a time or two and you will sense the absurdity of it! I'm afraid of being afraid! Doesn't that mean I spend my life being afraid of anything that might make me afraid? Just goes to show you how scary life really is out there!  Awww---welcome to my world---Sometimes it is like living in the land of 'Honey, I shrunk the kids" or "Jurassic Park."  Which would be more scary! LOL!!! I'm not sure I would survive either of them! Just let me sulk in my bedroom under my electric blanket; where it is safe!

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