25 February 2010


I attempted to change my schedule by catching a bus that leaves 20 minutes later than my normal bus. This morning's commute went smoothly enough. I read from a novel I keep with me, but after about 30 minutes I leaned my seat back and took a snooze. I always awake when the bus leaves the freeway due to inertia. Remember that old jr. high school science concept? "When an object is in motion, it tends to remain in motion." My body being the object in motion when the bus comes to a stop.

I entered the Social Hall on State Street to await my connecting bus. It should have arrived approximately 15 minutes after I arrived. But it didn't come. I checked the schedule that is posted on the bus stop post and discovered I was going to have to wait another 1/2 hour. So I was stranded on State Street for 45 minutes.

First of all, it is bad enough to have to get there, but then to wait? I watched people scurrying to their various destinations. An occassional jogger would bounce by with their trusty guard dog. Numerous men in suits and trench coats trudged up the walk. I watched a large flat bed truck pull in front of a building undergoing construction. The driver exited the vehicle and pulled a reflective vest from the compartment behind the cab. He proceeded to place it over his torso and then placed various attachments around his legs and back. I don't know what he was doing. But I watched while I waited. It was taking him a very long time to move the vehicle he had on the flatbed. In fact, I never got to see him move the vehicle at all.

I watched a worker for the city jog between the parking meters; emptying the change into an interesting looking bag. He also had a reflective vest on. I thought about this for a very long time. A man jogging between parking meters, which really imitated a young child waiting a turn in the potty.  A reflective vest. I wondered if his reflective vest had hidden plates inside to protect from knives or bullets in case a thief wanted that cool bag. A bag of coins.  As he jogged between the meter posts. Gathering money.

My bus finally arrived! I entered the bus and tapped my card to the meter. The driver left the curb before I had a chance to sit. Inertia again-- "an object at rest tends to remain at rest. Me being the object at rest, and the bus suddenly in motion. I fell into the first seat behind the area reserved for elderly or handicapped--which is only important if there are elderly or handicapped on board.

On the right was a lady with her white cane and a seeing eye dog. She was scratching the dog's back and neck. I have never seen such a "fluffy" service animal. I noticed that the lady's  hands were very delicate looking and she wore a ring on each hand.   Across from the lady sat a young man who appeared to be in his early to mid twenties. He wore a stocking cap, a large coat, baggy pants, and what appeared to be new shoes. His shoes were a bright, clean white and he would occasionally gaze at them. He was also drinking coffee or possibly hot chocolate from a convenience store. He smiled and lifted his cup to me as he said, "Welcome aboard, how are you!"

Duh, I had just fallen into my seat after waiting for the stupid bus for 45 miutes! I replied, "I'm a bit cold at the moment." He looked confused, and turned to watch our progression along the bus route. He looked down at his shoes-I noticed how white they were. He looked up at me suddenly and said, "yea but, isn't life great!"

"I suppose so." I replied as I watched others get on the bus and attempt to avoid "Shaggy's" tail. At each stop the lady attempted to pull "Shaggy" toward her and out of the walkway, but the huge tail always remained.

A couple of blocks later, 'Happy Guy" blurted, "yea but, you get paid vacation don't ya'?"

"Me?" Do I get paid vacation? No. I work for every minute of freedom I'm given!"

Happy Guy went silent. As we approached another stop, I noticed an elderly man attempting to push his walker rapidly across a parking lot and wave down the bus at the same time. Happy Guy and I both attempted to get the driver to stop but he ignored us. I spoke out loud and said "That was just wrong. That man was moving as fast as he could."

As another  block passed by, I continued to grumble about an old man trying to run with his walker. Happy Guy finally addressed the driver directly. Happy Guy thought maybe the driver couldn't stop because he would cause a five car pile-up and figured the driver had to make a decision to stop suddenly or to continue. But the driver responded with, "If I stopped for him it would put me two minutes behind. Then the next person would put me three minutes, and the next one four minutes until I'm seven minutes behind schedule. He should have been at that stop 5 minutes before the scheduled pickup."

I verbally stated to no one in particular, "That was not right. That was an old man pushing a walker and frantically trying to get this bus to stop. That just was not right."

After being startled twice at work,a whole other story, I left early for home. I pulled out my novel in order to escape chit-chat and eye contact. After most of the bus was emptied, we became stalled at a stop. Apparently a man was not sure how to get somewhere and the driver was attempting to describe how to get there, but ultimately allowed the man onto the bus. I was aware we were taking some time at this stop, but remained involved in the novel I was reading. After many more blocks, I realized I was the last passenger on the bus. I placed my novel into my bag and while the bus waited at a stoplight, I headed toward the front to let the driver know where my stop was located. I hoped he could do 40 mph down University and get all green lights! As I took a seat, I realized there was a man in the front seat.

The man appeared to be having a conversation with two other people as he gestured and spoke to himself. "Crazy Man' had apparently spilled something and was looking for something to clean it up with. The driver engaged 'Crazy Man' by offering some paper towels. He explained that he liked to bring them along because the window sometimes needed to be wiped clean. 'Crazy Man' accepted the paper towels but continued to talk with his hidden  buddies.  After he cleaned up, 'Crazy Man' told the driver he needed to get off now. So the driver stated  he could make a courtesy stop for the man, although it was not a designated stop for the bus.

After 'Crazy Man' removed his duffle bag, his back pack, his recyclable bag, and two grocery bags full of papers; I asked the driver where that man was headed. The driver explained that he was trying to find the Greyhound Bus Station so the driver offered to get him as close as he could. The driver explained to me, "It wouldn't take me off my route so I figure I'd let him ride; even though this is an Express. I'd hate to see someone get left behind."    

????  I SHOULDA' JUST STAYED IN BED.                                                               

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