23 February 2010


I had a fine visit with my doctor recently. I let him know that I was feeling much more close to 'normal'. At least the panic attacks are not occurring daily right now. He wanted to know what I was there to see him about, so I reminded him we were doing a follow-up to some blood work that was done to rule out any physical issues that may be causing panic. I told him that his nurse had called and requested I return to the lab to repeat one of the tests. I had not heard from anyone what the results were yet. In fact, I still do not know what my cholesterol numbers are!

The doctor reviewed his records in his handy-dandy computer full of knowledge and discovered my lab results had been sent to the other Dr Johnson. He dug around for awhile and then informed me they had found ONE blood cell that looked a little 'funny.' My doctor claimed he discussed this with the hemotologist and determined it would be simple to redo the test. The 'funny' anomally was not found again, so we will just ignore it. (OK, let me just say this is not the FIRST 'funny' little cell that has caused me to have labs repeated! I was delayed from returning home after Kesli's birth because my bloodwork looked 'leukemic'.  How can you even use that word in the presence of a woman who successfully delivered a baby in brow presentation! Maybe someday there are going to be millions of 'funny' little cells and then we can all panic at the same time!)

I asked if the doctor wouldn't mind examining my throat as I have been struggling with a gagging, choking sensation. He looked down my throat and felt around my neck. He then asked if it was in my throat or more toward my chest. I pointed right to where it occurs and he suggested we do an xray to see if there is anything there.

So yesterday, I went to the radiology department and drank some yucky stuff. Then they had me quickly swallow what they charmingly called "fizzies." AAAAAW--this was way more than taking bubbly alka-selter! The bubbles filled my stomach and I felt I would pop! All the while the radiologist is snapping pictures as I attempted to swallow.  The next cup had a mixture that I can only describe as pancake batter. Only is was badder than pancake batter. I had to roll around, meaning I had to roll from my back all the way to my stomach and back again. This was to make sure the batter coated my entire stomach. I would then receive more of the beloved batter!

After the photo shoot was over, the radiologist obliged me when I asked what he saw. It was pretty OSM! You could tell how the muscles moved the batter through my throat and into the stomach. There were no abnormalities that he could see, but he told me I had some spasms that shouldn't be too problematic. They may cause some heart burn or reflux, And since they are involuntary--they are also the likely cause of the gagging sensation. (he had a few good shots of those!)

So another possible physical issue is ruled out in my quest to conquer panic. I'm not sure if I should be releived that it is not physical or discouraged because it can only mean it is ALL in my head! Who woulda' 'thunk the brain had so much controll over the body!!!

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