20 August 2009

May-Memorial Day

Kelsi is scheduled to be induced for delivery of her baby. Brian and I are traveling to their apartment in Evenston while his parents go into Ogden for the delivery. Brian is very excited about it. He loves to be with the grandchildren! Chase plays with him in his “hut” and they play with farm animals—Brian says Chase likes horses and dogs.

I only stayed until we heard from Kelsi that all was fine with the delivery. The poor girl appears to have a reaction to the pain medications and anesthesia used for a cesaerean delivery. She was throwing up during delivery and then all day long. I just don’t believe I want to ever have to experience such a thing. Of course if Kelsi every delivered a baby vaginally she would probably say the same thing!

Kelsi reported that Brenden had a harder time during this delivery this time as well, and nearly passed out (or did he pass out?) Boy were they glad to come home. Chase is an OSM big brother! He is soft around Pax and is carefull around his hear and his eyes. Usually siblings just want to poke new babies in the eyes!

I left right after hearing from Kelsi and traveled further North to Cody. I needed to gather more items from my dad’s trailer and see him of course. I have a very nice drive up to Cody. I stopped at the “parting of the ways” land mark to read about it again. It is sooo cool how the tracks are still embedded into the ground after all these years from those traeling westward.

All of the rivers are running exceptionally high this year. There have been a lot of rain showers, even thunderstorms of such that we haven’t had in many years. As a consequence, all the resevoirs are full and rivers are flowing above the banks and very fast.

Traveling through the WindRiver Canyon is sooo beautiful when all is green and the river is high. I even stopped to take a picture of a waterfall I saw tucked inside a little passage! I nearly broke my neck doing it, but it was the only picture that really was worth anything on the cheap little camera I had.

There were so many deer between RockSprings and Meteetsee! I love seeing the young deer jumping through the grasses! The beauty of nature was good for me and kept my spirits up. Of course I had my stereo blasting so loud that when I sang along, I couldn’t even hear myself. LOL it is always better that way! The song I played over and over again was a version of ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water” by Josh Groban and Brian McKnight.

Another song on my self recorded CD was a version of “How Great Thou Art” by Alex Boye. Right now these are the type of songs that are keeping me somewhat calm, because everything seems to be piling on at the same time.

I am frustrated that I do not have energy or time to be more involved with Kelsi’s new baby, or Savanna’s coming baby. The annual report is due and I am the designated person who formats it, in addition to writing the case process review portion of it. Once it is put together, it has to go through numerous edits before it can be finalized and sent to the Executive Director. Once she has approved it, it can be released to the public and to the legislature.Dad’s health is still unpredictable with his blood sugars spiking above 500 but bottoming out in the low 100s, even dropping to 40 something once. It is stressful. I feel like I am neglecting everything in my life and traveling to Cody all the time.

When I arrived in Cody, I stayed at my dad’s trailer. It was odd and I didn’t want to be there. But there has been so much travel to Cody that I cannot afford to stay in a motel again. On Saturday, I took dad for a drive up the NorthFork to the East Entrance of Yellowstone Park.

He cannot see very well, but he could tell the rivers were high. He told me all about who owned what property and about all the new development that is taking place west of Wapiti. There was a development called CopperLeaf that I would love to own some land at. Dad said it is very, very expensive though.

We saw a lot of deer and scraggy looking Big Horn Sheep. I only saw one that had impressive horns though. As we approached closer to the park, we passed a campground and I told Dad that there were Buffalo in the campground! Cars were turning into the campground to see them. I don’t think they understand that they are wild!

We continued up to the entrance and turned around at Pahaska Teepee. Dad drifted off to sleep occasionally. As we headed back down toward town, the buffalo were headed back toward the park. LOL I guess the campground got a little too busy for them and they decided to head back home. It looked really funny because they were walking in single file up the side of the road. Tourist would slowly drive alongside them taking pics. LOL

I bought flowers for mom’s grave. Dad asked me if I got some for mom’s parents. I hadn’t but it was easy enough to divide them between the gravesites. Dad stayed in the car while I set the flowers. Then we went to eat and I returned him to the facility.

I returned to the cemetery after that and cried at mom’s gravesite. I was just overwhelmed I guess with all the things that were happening around me. I walked around the cemetery for a while and saw sooo many people I was acqainated with. First priority after my mom’s grave was Jeff Gray’s gravesite and Mark Bullock’s gravesite. Both had great impact on my self esteem when I needed it most.

I headed home for Evenston and ended up having a panic attack as I got into Evenston. I got to hold the baby, but we didn’t stay too long beyond that. I’m such a dork. But, There is not a more OSM dork in all the world!

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