04 April 2013


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This whole experience for this woman was a repeat for me!! Today I laugh at the time the EMTs were at my house and my heart rate was toward 200! They gave me oxygen and I used the diaphram breathing to calm myself. One of the EMTs whispered to my husband, "...looks like she is calming down now." And my heart rate instantly climbed back to where it was. Yea....I ended up in the ER that time. However, I did have a success story when the olympic torch came through town. This was something I truly wanted my children to experience, but my husband had to work the event so I was on my own. I survived through the entire experience until it was over....a new kind of panic called rebound panic. Now that it was over and we were walking toward our vehicle, the ole nemesis raised its ugly head. I collapsed near the wheel of a police car and they kindly called an ambulance. Once again, my heart rate was escalated and I felt I was choking causing me to gag and shiver. And the fireworks going off were interpeted as terrorist bombs. The nice EMT asked me if this happened often and I answered in the affirmative. He asked me if I talk to anyone about this and I answered in the affirmative. He asked what that person would tell me to do and as I regurgitated my most recent session with DR. D. the EMT placed the oximeter on my finger and showed me that I was receiving enough oxygen to survive. I wasn't choking like I thought and by doing the self talk I had been taught started to calm down.The EMT asked what the worst scenario was and I reported that it would be to once again end up in the ER. He laughed at that!! But he also offered to drive me to my vehicle if someone would drive me home from there!! I was able to go home and take my own meds without going to the ER!!! Boy can the people around you impact the self esteem when fighting off personal demons!!

http://blogs.psychcentral.com/panic/2013/03/the-trifecta-of-fail-a-desolate-road-a-panic-attack-and-an-ambulance/   http://blogs.psychcentral.com/panic/2013/03/the-trifecta-of-fail-continued-panic-in-the-middle-of-nowhere/   http://blogs.psychcentral.com/panic/2013/03/the-trifecta-of-fail-man-calls-ambulance-while-i-continue-to-panic/   http://blogs.psychcentral.com/panic/2013/03/the-end-of-the-trifecta-how-the-worst-panic-attack-of-my-life-ended/?fb_action_ids=10151388516206973&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582

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