28 December 2011


Google Images 'Concert Crowd'

Now that our youngest child is married and can entertain herself, the OsmOne and I ventured out and went on a date. We attended a Mercy Me concert! This is the OsmOne's favorite group and when I heard they were coming to our state, I knew I needed to make the effort to attend!!

Those who know the OsmOne intimately, know he has no rhythm. He doesn't hear the beat within a song--he hears the guitar. I've asked him before how he picks out the guitar, since there are four on stage!! There is only one set of drums and it makes sense to move to the beat of the drum, but the OsmOne moves to his own rhythm and has never really caught on.

The OsmOne also has a tendency to move his right arm in a manner endearing to me. Endearing because he doesn't even know he does it. Whenever he is nervous, about to make a bold statement, or at a public Mercy Me concert, the OsmOne does a little shake. It appears to be in his elbow and then wriggles upward to his shoulder, then comes the mandatory tug on the center of his t-shirt. hmmm...

Anyway, we had great seats and I was especially excited to see my friend Rachelle Call, who was scheduled to open for the group. Unfortunately they were rained out, but the rain let up when it was time for Mercy Me. The OsmOne was immediately into his groove and as I looked around at the crowd, I saw many others who seemed to be following some phantom rhythm, just like the OsmOne!

People stood and swayed back and forth, lifted one or both hands to the sky, and closed their eyes as though sending a prayer heavenward and they were the messenger awaiting flight. I remained seated! The OsmOne stood! And soon he has his arms raised as well! (I only hope he didn't close his eyes!!) I remained glued to my seat, looking around to determine who would be the first audience member to take flight!

This continued throughout the concert. I am telling you Mercy Me was an entertaining group and had wonderful music, but I would have enjoyed it more without the zombies surrounding me!! Toward the end of the concert, the lead vocalist gave a sermon--sort of. His comments lead into their final song which is quite familiar to most people--it is called "I Can Only Imagine." During his comments, many people remained standing and I would hear shouts of "Amen!" or "Hallelujah!", "Praise the Lord!!" It was very obvious that these people were not the normal BYU crowd found in Utah County. These were people in Salt Lake County. Middle age mostly, but adolescents mixed in too. All walks of life--there were people who appeared ragged,  in addition to people who had fancy coats and umbrellas.

The OsmOne thoroughly enjoyed his evening with me and the boys from Mercy Me. I thoroughly enjoyed the music and the OsmOne's presence. The crowd standing above me, waving their hands and occasionally shouting out (and I am not referring to Turrets Syndrome here folks!) was a bit disturbing to me. But I survived. I am alive. I am weird.

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