22 September 2009


Biggest fear for a commuter? Being stuck on the freeway in a broken down bus!
When the bus arrived at my stop, I immediately noticed it was not our normal "coach" bus, but one of the in-town busses. They travel rough. I thought: there is no way everyone is going to fit on this bus. There will be standing room only. I hate standing room only, crammed in, and can't breathe trips. I took a Xanax.
Bus coasted to a stop alongside the freeway. I was reading my workbook so I was prepared. I waited. I waited and read some more. The bus won't start. They are sending another bus. I wait. Three people get off the bus and walk to the off-ramp nearbye. A fourth person called his wife to come get him. I read some more.
I start dialing home to have the OSM one come get me, but the replacement bus has arrived! I came. I experienced. I was a wuss, but I CONQUERED!


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