07 April 2009


  • Dreams about Grandma

  • Nurse administrator at Grandpa’s Primary Care Physician personally knows us and is able to freely share what the office has witnessed regarding the relationship between Grandpa and Mary

  • Doctor who recommends Long Term Care used to be Grandpa’s bishop and was also his doctor when he had triple bypass surgery.

  • I am contacted by firm out of California, seeking possible heirs to Brucker estate

  • When taken to tour the Long Term Care Center, we are taken to the room Grandma died in. Her room is now the Nursing Director’s office. The Nursing Director’s name is ‘Eileen’

  • The admit secretary in the Long Term Care Center is related to the Primary Care Physician’s nursing administrator

  • When introduced to admitting personnel, both ladies interrupted and asked if we were ‘Ruby’s’ daughters. They recognize her in both me and Aunt Donna

  • When completing admitting forms, both ladies stated they knew Grandma and described her as a sweet lady and very hard working. I thanked them for saying that. I then said Grandpa’s current wife is nothing like my mom. They both stated at the same time, “No, SHE IS NOT.” I thanked them for saying THAT!

  • Aunt Donna drove to her private ‘rock’ located on the Northfork highway toward Yellowstone. Aunt Donna had been very emotional during our stay in Cody. As she was driving to her rock, she begged for mom to send her a sign. As she verbalized this, a small rock immediately hit her window. Aunt Donna has a nearly flawless exterior on her vehicle thanks to extraordinary care, but this rock was unforeseen.

  • Aunt Donna recognizes administrator at Long Term Care Center is someone she use to work with. This person has personal experience working with Grandpa’s wife and freely give info regarding her behaviors. This person gives Aunt Donna the name of an attorney. This person actually gets on the phone and speaks with the attorney’s secretary, giving a heads up to the attorney’s office.

  • Previous attorney asked regarding Grandpa’s welfare and recommended the same attorney.

  • When Aunt Donna and I arrived at the location of the new attorney, it appears to be the same duplex Grandma and Grandpa lived in during early marriage. (turns out it looked like the same duplex but is actually one block east of it)

  • Aunt T has a dream—I’m suppose to remember the dresser…

  • April 23?

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