31 March 2009


My dad is pretty sick, at least it sounds like it over the phone. He is congested and coughing. Grandpa has a history of pneumonia so I warned him if it gets too bad he should see his doctor.

Had a dream regarding my mom who died in 1989. She came back and was just like she was prior to her death. In my dream, I got really mad at her. I thought she had faked her death! It wasn’t fair to fake it and then watch us go through so much grief while trying to protect our father.

I had another dream about my mom returning from the dead. I Can’t really recall the specifics of the dream, but I know I wasn’t as mad at her this time and when I awoke, I remember thinking how odd it was that I was dreaming about my mother again.

Talked to Grandpa again. He sounds worse. I told him to go to the doctor, but he said his doctor won’t be back until April 25th. He told me he had an appointment to see a different doctor on Tuesday. He sounds awful. He is out of breath, breathing very fast and I can hear the wheezes over the phone.

I had a third dream about my mom. She was here again, but I still did not understand why or how she could be here. It woke me up. As I awoke the thought occurred to me that perhaps I was receiving information from beyond the veil. I remember thinking “oh, you are trying to tell me something. You’re coming to get dad?”

I was traveling the eastern side of Utah on Tuesday, the day Grandpa expected to go to a doctor, but I was anxious to know what the doctor said.. His wife, Mar answered the phone and told me she had finally had to give an ultimatum; he either had to go to the ER or to the Urgent Care Clinic. He went to the clinic and received an antibiotic and a breathing treatment and was then sent home. (tell me, if Grandpa knew he was going to see a doctor on Tuesday, when did mary give the ultimatum? The day he had an appointment?) I told Grandpa I would check in with him again.

Spoke with Grandpa on Friday. He didn’t sound too bad but I could tell he was still ill. He was winded as he talked to me and ended the conversation quickly saying he was going to lay down, he “wasn’t feeling worth a damn.”

Spoke with Grandpa on Saturday morning. He sounded even worse. I told him I could hear wheezing through the phone line. He stated he was getting better, but his tone was sarcastic. I told him he really needed to be seen again. He assured me that when Margaret came to check on him, she would probably insist he go to the ER. That made me feel better. Later, approximately 7:00-7:30 Grandpa called me. He told me no one had shown up to help with his insulin, including Margaret. He was just now going to get something to eat, hopefully some soup he said. I told him to go to the ER if Margaret showed up. Following this, I attempted to contact Aunt T in Thermopolis. She returned my call later Saturday night. She planned to see Grandpa on Tuesday when she traveled to Powell to take someone to the dr. When we talked I stressed that Tuesday didn’t seem like it was too far away, but I really felt she shouldn’t wait that long.

Sunday afternoon, Aunt T called me and stated she had just talked to Mary. Mary reported to Aunt T that Grandpa was “a bit congested” last night but she would go down to check on him. (this was after 12:00 pm, after church) Aunt T was upset and told her she was coming to Cody, then hung up on her. When Aunt T arrived in Cody, the home was filthy and Grandpa was sitting at the table eating scrambled eggs which mary apparently had just made. Aunt T looked Grandpa directly in the face and told him he needed to go to the ER. He easily agreed. So Grandpa was admitted to the hospital on Sunday and was expected to remain there through Thursday. On Wednesday, Aunt Martie, Aunt T’s aunt through her husband died in the care center. Grandpa’s sugars were still out of control and a comment by Mary “guess I’ll have to shut up my place and go stay with him for awhile.”. made Aunt Donna angry and she sent me an email informing me she was leaving for Cody. Well, if Aunt Donna is traveling through, I might as well travel with her! It was a good thing I grabbed the Power of Attorney to take along!

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