17 November 2015


Those who know me well know that a change in plans usually causes a bit of angst. I ruminated over this experience through the night on Saturday. Then I ruminated again the following night. Guess who worked from home on Monday?

After spending time at a friend's home, my hubby and I went to a movie. Instead of movie snacks, I suggested we grab a sandwich after the show. Following the movie, my hubby asked if I was up for something other than Subway Sandwich - you know, the one right next to MY theater, in MY mall where MY nerves usually behave. I'm tough. We went to a small sandwich shop that I had never been to.

On a late Saturday afternoon, my hubby and I joined one other family. Only I can't be certain the other family was a mom and dad with their kids. You see, there were a lot of kids - OK maybe not so much for Utah, but I can tell you that they were too close in age to actually be siblings. Perhaps they were cousins. There were probably 6-8 children with a dad who could have been an Islander or Latino, and a mom who was as pale as I am. Think vampire pale.

After we ordered, I observed one of the girls (possibly 7 years old) at the door of the shop. Between her body and the door was toddler, maybe 18 months. What floored me was that she kept reaching down and moving the toddler's hand, then pulling the door closed and trying to lock it. Now, I logically can guess she was attempting to keep his hands away from the opening, but that IS NOT WHAT I SAW. I am suddenly on Hyper-alert. You know what is going to happen....

The toddler's hand gets pinched in the door. As the toddler squealed and pulled his hand back, the girl twirls away from the scene. She passes me smiling while sing-songing "sorry, so sorry...". Dad picked up the toddler and took him out to the car. That left mom with the rest of the children and she stood and glanced around as though surrounded by wolves. My hubby asked if I wanted to pick a table, and I informed him I was feeling quite anxious. He asked if he should change our order from stay-in to a to-go order. I went to sit at the table right next to doorway girl because I really wanted to....well I won't admit what I wanted...

Two other little girls were at the table with doorway girl. She now entertained herself with a toy phone and turning chairs over. Little girl2 asked little girl3 if she could have some of her chips. So the third little girl offered her some. But that wasn't enough. Little girl2 offers little girl3 a cup to put the chips into. Since little girl2 is bigger than little girl3, she gets to hold the bag while dumping the chips into the cup. She then proceeds to maintain possession of the cup, which causes little girl3 to whine. When mom starts moving toward the table, little girl2 gives in to the smaller child and gives the cup to little girl3 before mom arrives. Mom then gets after doorway girl for having one of the chairs tipped over onto her lap while she is playing on the phone.

In the meantime, two older boys who were probably early junior high school age, jump up from their table and head over to the display of chips. The older boy has a bag already open and is eating the chips. He grabs another bag and offers it to the second boy. Mom notices and says, "No more." But the older boy taunts her by pretending to exchange his open bag for a new bag, to which mom replies, "I said no more. No" She is quiet and seems a bit nervous about where all the children are.

The older boy then folds the open top of his chip bag and while tipping the display forward, acts as though he is going to put his open bag at the back of the stack and take another bag of chips. This is when I let my thoughts escape my mouth. I was mild. I said, "He is EATING those chips." So mom moves closer to the boys and they scatter. But the older boy looks up and around and actually says, "What? I don't see no cameras!" As mom tries to herd the boys toward the tables, I spoke up. Yup. But I was calm. "You can tell him I am a Live Camera, 'cause I see. I've seen it all." (and I glanced at doorway girl) I soooo wanted to tattle on the little brat and let mom know that she purposely shut the door on the toddler's hand, but....I'm good. Instead I start talking to my hubby. Just talking so I will stop seeing every thing!  Within moments, dad comes back into the shop and sternly tells the boys to "Sit Down!" Everything changed when dad returned. All the children sat at tables. Mom was saved.

Sometimes I don't know who I want to smack more; the parent or the child. I am dismayed at the bullying that takes place right in front of our noses!! I am outraged a teen though this acceptable behavior, if there are NO CAMERAS! I am sickened that it cost $30 for what would have cost $15 at MY Subway Sandwich at MY mall, where MY nerves usually behave! UGH! UGH! UGH!

OK....My hubby and I went to a sandwich shop. It was just the two of us and one other family. It ends there....'cause I desperately need some sleep!

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