23 July 2012



I went to Barnes and Noble today during my lunch break. It is located at the mall where Dr. D would send me for exposure therapy. I still cannot be comfortable there. Even inside the bookstore, where I normally become self absorbed and don't notice those around me, I was hyper vigilante.

I head toward an area where mysteries are kept and an older man started walking directly toward me. He reminded me of an old surfer dude, with long scraggly-blond hair and a button-down safari shirt. I move to the end of the aisle, one eye perusing the books, the other eye watching the unsub. Why does he move in slow motion? It really is s-l-o-w...like in TWILIGHT when Belle walks into the classroom and Edward gets that first scent. Then everything speeds up, and the dude rushes past me. It happens a second time in the exact same way, only "he" is an old, angry cowboy who appears ready for some heavy gunslinging. I feel the air move as he blasts past me.

I go to the register to purchase my books. I wait for the cashier to arrive, and while standing there an old man hurries through the entrance. He is carrying an attache' case, but wearing shorts with tube-socks-- a classic sign of impending doom. He rushes up behind me and I imagine new tai-kwon-doe moves that are not named yet.  The cashier rescues me before the old man is within my reach. My tai-kwon-doe skills are put on hold and the unsub is allowed to see another day.

I leave the building, but now the entire mall seems to be filled with crazies. Two young adults, smoking, skinny jeans, tennis shoes and fedoras. One says to the other, "impressive! Yea, I wouldn't have thought of that..." Another young adult wearing all black, including her tight jeans and hoodie. The poor girl even had long, dark hair! It is 90+ degrees outside and she is nearly passed out on a bench. Multiple surfer dudes, cowboys, Asians, Blacks, and Muslim families. Children running and screaming, wearing bright colors while splashing in the fountains. Of course!! This is a mall!! What was I thinking??

Today's definition of scary:  surfer dudes and cowboys

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