08 September 2010

The Freaky Guyyyeeeeee

A few months ago I noticed a guy staring at me on the bus. It was kinda freaky because he looked a little bit like one of my brothers-in-law, only skinnier. Today, he was wearing old greenish khakis, his hiking boots, and the normal polo shirt that I have seen him in. In addition, he had on an old flannel shirt that was unbuttoned but had the sleeves completely rolled down. In fact, one shoulder of the flannel shirt was somewhat falling off of his shoulder. He carries and old bag and wears an old straw hat that is extremely floppy, and a pair of huge sunglasses! His nose is somewhat bulbous and he has a full, but scraggly salt and pepper beard. If he were to fall asleep on a bench somewhere, he could seriously pass as a homeless man!

He makes me very uncomfortable! This man usually rides at the front of the bus, standing right next to the driver. That is about half the bus away from me so he is just a nuisance to me but hadn't invaded my bubble. Yet.

Then, a few weeks ago, I noticed this man sitting in a seat within seats of where I was sitting! He has now moved into MY area! Again, I noticed him watching me. Auughhhh! Invasion! Danger, Danger!!!

Today, I was riding at the back of the bus, where the seats are long and their backs are against the bus windows. This Freaky Guyyyy sat on the seat right next to me! I crossed my legs and angled myself away from him. The Freaky Guyyyyyy did something with his bag, like set it up on the seat next to me or something, but I did not want to look. Then the Freaky Guyyyyyeee did something else and I turned to see if maybe he was doing something to MY bag!

The Guyyyyyyeee said, "soooo, you work for the state, huh?"

I said, "Pardon, me?"

"You work at the Human Services building?"

"Oh, yes! Yes I do." Now leave me alone, end of discussion!

He grabbed his name tag and flipped it up so I could see it and said "Me too."

I smiled and nodded my head at him...this guy has freaked me out for months and I was not willing to have a discussion with him!

Yeah! my stop arrives! But I notice the Freaky Guyyeeeeee gets off at my stop! Has he always gotten off my stop? I have no idea, but TODAY I notice it! Not only did he get off at my stop, he then joins the group that always has to wait for the light to change before we can cross the steet! I stayed somewhat behind him because I did not want any conversation to be initiated. So he makes friends with another gentleman standing there. We cross the street and Voi La! He is now walking to my connector stop! Has he always done this? I DON'T KNOW!

The Freaky Guyeeeeee and his new friend are standing in front of the portion of grass that I sometimes sit on while waiting for my connector. So today, I stand at the planter BEFORE the planter where the bus stops. There are a lot of people at the stop today which is unusual. While waiting and watching people and traffic, I notice the guy who was now friends with the Freaky Guyeeee was now looking at me! This causes my thoughts to race wondering what is going on! My heart begins to race and adrenaline starts to flow. So I look around at my surroundings and notice things that would be dangerous if an earthquake were to occur at this moment. After taking count of all the brick buildings and high rise buildings with a lot of glass, I determine the safest thing for me to do would be to sun into the large 6 lane street. But then question what would all the traffic be doing? And what would be happening to the Trax Trains, would the street really be the safest place? Anyway, it took my mind off the Freaky Guyyyyeee and his new friend.

Finally, the 801 arrives, which normally absorbs most of the riders into Utah County. I watch as a group converge at the doors, anxious to board. Then I see their faces sag and they slowly back away from the bus. Ummm, this is odd. So I approach a woman who I have had small chit chat with before and know her to be friendly and funny. I ask her, "What happened, did the driver say something?"

She told me that the 801 was standing room only, but their is another one coming right behind it. So they were all going to wait for the next bus. She explained that all these extra people had been waiting for their bus since before 5:00 which was now about 40 minutes late. She told me not to worry because she knows I take a different bus, which was pulling up as we spoke. As I ended the conversation, and began to step away, THERE WAS THE FREAKY GUYEEEEEE who asks the nice lady the same thing!! But I ran to board my own bus. Lucky for me, I get to work the next two days from home and next Monday is a holiday. Aughhhhhhhh! What is with this GUYEEEEEEE!!


  1. LOL well who can resist your big blue eyes. LOL
    by Melissa

  2. Oh Melissa! I was wrapped in the cellophane of my bubble! It collapsed on me!
