30 November 2008


Well, the last 30 days hasn't made anyone's life easier! The nation is now experiencing a financial crisis, which has caused wallstreet to go on a ridiculous rollercoaster cycle. The financial markets throughout the world are responding in the same way. The US government plans to spend billions, if not trillions, of dollars to "bail-out" failing banks. They are refusing to provide such help to the auto industries, though. This sets up the presidency of Obama for some very difficult decisions. New terrorist attacks occurred in India over the Thanksgiving holidays, spurring new concerns of international terrorist activities. In Mexico, continued murders and kidnappings occur on a daily basis as the drug cartels fight to regain their places of power. Natural disasters are occurring all over the world, mostly earthquakes, flooding, and wildfires not to mention the genocide and literal starving of populations in Africa. It certainly sounds like the end of days. And yet, here we remain.

Thanksgiving was entertaining. It always is when the three Beardsley girls are together. We are loud and irreverent, but it makes us laugh. Grandpa Beardsley was approximately two hours late. I suggested that Mary would blame Grandpa and claim they got lost and he had no idea where they were. It happened just as I said. The situation was most difficult for Tori. She could not bring herself to even look at Mary or say anything to her. Grandpa Beardsley has returned to the same behaviors that existed prior to his separation from Mary: he has gained a lot of weight again and ignores the requirements of his diabetes, he is using a cane again and moves very slowly. Some of his slowness may be caution on his part because he is now legally blind in his left eye. Meredeth and Tori appeared to enjoy being with their cousins Ashley and Alex. All of them got to spend time with Teresa's son Hanes, which was great. I think Tori enjoyed picking on him the most.

To fit the theme of Thanksgiving, I just want to address all that I am thankful for: I am soooo grateful for a loving husband who loves me despite my weaknesses. He has truly been a Godsend to me since I was 18 years old. He has experienced highs and lows with me and yet continues to to serve me. I am most lucky of all women to have a celestial marriage to someone who truly loves me for who I am, and not a fantasy of what I should be. I am grateful for my beautiful daughters: Linda-who witnessed more sadness, evil, and horror in her young life than anyone should be exposed to in multiple lifetimes. She is truly a beautiful woman with strength beyond what I could possibly have taught her in her younger years. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to be an influence in her life and to repeatedly have the opportunity to actually make her a part of our family. I wish we had adopted her long before I gained the courage to ask her if she would accept us. She is a wonderful mother and does her best to teach her children right from wrong. Her heart is sincere in knowing and recognizing what is wrong. I am so grateful for my oldest daughter and her husband, in addition to my first two grandchildren Jordan and Jasmine. Savanna-who trusts her father and her Heavenly Father by instinct. She loves to share with her father today, as much as she did when she was a toddler. Her faith has kept her on a straight path as she left the safety of her father into the safety of her husband. I am truly blessed to see the impact of my great husband in the lives of all of his daughters, but Savanna continues to remind me of this today. What a blessing to have Maeser and Bailee come into our family. Kelsi-who struggled to enter this world and met opposition in nearly every good desire. She has married a man who is perfect for her and provides for her in the same manner my husband provides and protects me. She also is an excellent mother to little 'Chaser' and has been blessed with clear mind and heart. Kelsi no longer allows the thoughts of others to impact her understanding of what is right. What a blessing to have been her mother. (of course I had my moments when I questioned my abilities to influence her in a righteous manner) Meredeth-what can we say about our dear Meredeth. She is so close to her Heavenly Father and the spirit follows her wherever she goes. She brings goodness into other's lives and influences us all to be better. Our family is truly blessed to have her influence around us and in our home. And then there is Tori-always full of activity, curiosity, and noise. How boring our lives would be without her enthusiasm. I am truly blessed of the Lord in receiving such spirits into my life to live in a family unit. Each of my children and their families are constantly in my prayers.

I am also grateful for the influence of my mom and dad. I would not be who I am today if not for the teachings I received as a child or from observing their relationship with each other. I am most grateful for my mother's determination to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints when I was at such an influential age. My earliest memory is of my mother trying to teach me to pray and telling me about Jesus and Heavenly Father.

Without the family relationships I am blessed with, the material blessings afforded to me and my husband would have less meaning. I am so grateful to have been able to build our home, for the learning that has occurred as we established our home in Provo. Most of all, I am grateful that we have been able to provide a safe haven, not only for our own children, but for others who needed safety and shelter. I am grateful for the many children who have passed through our home, and in hind-sight learned a new way to live happily. I am particularly grateful for Amy and Melissa; as they were sent to our home for specific purposes. I was blessed with this recognition at first sight; as though I had known them all my life. Each came from different backgrounds and have moved on to different perspectives in life, but I was truly blessed to be able to learn from them and provide an influence in their lives. I hope what small influence I had was able to make the difference Heavenly Father expected. I recognize all I am blessed with comes from my Heavenly Father and recognize his hand in all things. To all of my family: I love each of you dearly and thank you for blessing my life.