11 January 2011


During the past month, the ol' nemesis has wreaked havoc with my sanity. The conversation between myself and I is humorous, but I give in to the stupidity anyway.
Tigger identified that she would like to date with purpose now. For any who do not know what this means--it means she wants to explore whether she is a keeper. She wants a MAN of her own! Why does this cause such trauma for me? Afterall, I was married when I was her age. I've married off four of my own and two extras. I'm familiar with how the dance goes as one prepares for a future life.

If you know me well enough, you know I prefer to be wrapped in my electric blanket, in my bedroom, with the door closed to the rest of the world. No one can reach me there. I am safe, secure, and SANE. There are times however, when one must leave the sanctuary in order to assure the safety of one's child. My nemesis doesn't understand this. My daughters do, though. They know they are welcome to visit, but that I will not be entertaining.

So when my Tigger told me I needed to meet a certain Prince Charming, my reaction was an automatic, "No way!" We were busy marrying off Ladybug so I was already on high alert. Then came Thanksgiving and Christmas and what do you know, Prince Charming is still around! Only there is now a kingdom associated with the Prince (in a round about manner) and Tigger wants me to meet them all!

When the Prince left town for Christmas break, Tigger bounced around with those left behind in our quaint little college town. She bounced and bounced until she found one bouncing back really well. Ummmmm...ok? What about the Prince? Then came the mother/daughter conversations about what you are looking for? how do you know? when is the right time? this is all too fast! ETC.

I was to meet the 'Organizer' momentarily when he picked Tigger up for a planned evening. I was distracted and did not realize he had arrived! So as I moved from our family room toward the formal sitting area, I was surprised to find the 'Organizer' standing in the open door. No time for processing this. I responded automatically, "Aughhh! Go! Go away!"

Tigger told me to calm down, that she already told me he was coming and she told me he was here, but I just kept yelling, "Go, Go now! Go away!" What kind of an idiot does this to their daughter! He was kind enough to take her out again, and I relied on social networking to send an apology. That went well eh?

Then I was to meet the 'Actor'. He arrived along with Tori to eat some lunch. She came and informed me of his presence. I shouted "hellooo" from beneath my blanket, in my room. I didn't show my face that day, but could hear the 'Actor' interacting with Tigger. That was fun. Then, due to a desperate concern that I'm sure was planted by the nemesis--I determined that I needed to have a conversation with the 'Actor' and let Tigger know. I was suppose to do this when he came again, but I was suspiciously attending a movie that afternoon! Ohhh okaaaaay! I gave in!
I met him later that evening when they returned. I was fully medicated and wearing my pajamas by then. I'm sure I apologized for not having on my leopard print jammys, as the occasion called for, but I cannot validate anything else I might have said. I will also acknowledge that he wasn't too scary. Until the next time I heard his voice. I know I am old, but the voice that was talking to my daughter was NOT the same voice he spoke to me with. His voice ignites the Nemesis; gives it a bit too much power so I pretty much hide from the 'Actor'. Today Tigger noticed I was shaking as I made a sandwich for myself. She wanted to know if I was OK.
"Sure," I said, "this is just the way I am." She then asked if I had taken my medication!
"Not yet, but I will!" We both knew the 'Actor' could arrive at any moment.

What happened to Prince Charming you say? He still hovers over the kingdom and Tigger has returned to bouncing but not bouncing as fast. The Prince and Tigger spent most of the day together and came to the house unannounced and unexpected by me. Yes, the whole household was glad to meet him and he seemed to enjoy talking with the OSM one--but doesn't everyone?
Tigger told me I HAD to come out of my room and at least say hi. So I came out, and immediately turned back to my room. NOW THAT was tall, dark and handsome, (WHOA! the Wyoming in me almost said "cool drink of water"!) I sat on my bed arguing with myself. Aughhhh! This is Prince Charming for crying out loud! Back and forth I went with myself. He is too tall! So what? His voice is too deep. So what? He is too handsome. Aaand? I would embarrass Tori. Okaaaaaayyyy! I came out and hid behind, I mean stood behind the recliner while the Prince and the OSM one discussed... horses? I know he approached me, and I know I shook his hand, and I know I failed to look him in the eye, but I kept that recliner between me and him the whole time. HA! I WON! (I was later privileged to hear my old, out of tune piano sing at the command of the Prince! whoot!)

I don't know how I ever made it this far. Girls! I had all girls! I only have one left! And darn if that don't attract MEN! I am dying here! AUGHHHH!

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