05 November 2008


November has arrived in Utah and along with it has come the cold air and a bit of frost! Today it is actually snowing. The first real storm of the year! Right now in downtown Salt Lake City there appears to be a couple of inches and it is still coming down in large amounts. I love it! As long as I don't have to walk anywhere in it, I love it!

Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays are upon us, which causes many of us to reflect on experiences of the last year. I realize that one year ago, I was dealing with an ill "step-mother", a lonesome father, frustrated sisters, a master's degree program and full time employment which took me throughout the state of Utah. How on earth did my family survive?

The good news is that I still have a full time job; despite difficult economic times, I no longer have to attend class for academic progress toward a degree, and by choice I no longer deal with my "ill step-mother."

Unfortunately, dad is still lonely and has a life filled with drama, thanks to his "ill" wife and an ornery manager in the mobile home park! But, the attorney assures me grandpa will stay in the park and will get to keep his dogs. Will his wife move in with him, is yet to be determined.

This month, the family intends to travel to Aunt Teresa's home in Thermopolis. She wants us all to remember to bring our swim suits! Uh....right. It will be fun to see her and her family as well as Aunt Donna's family. I think it has been about 4 years, so it is time for us to reunite.

Tori has a missionary who obviously has a crush on her. Shame on him! Could become a problem, but we will just keep our eye on it. I knew he had it for one of the girls but I couldn't decide if it was Meredeth or Tori. It is almost sad that it is Tori. If it had been Meredeth, she would have set him straight right away. Unfortunately, Tori doesn't understand the influence a "hot" chick can have on these young men (not to mention the fact that she is a natural flirt). So....sundays will be interesting for a while, and NO we will not be inviting the missionaries over for dinner!

Brian and Meredeth head down to St. George this weekend. Brian is a chaperone for the Acting Up expedition down south. They will be gone for four days. Meredeth is very excited for it because EVERYONE loves Brian! I have always found it to be peculiar how everyone is Afraid of me, but love my husband. I guess they don't realize that I have hidden talents or my wonderful husband wouldn't be married to this wrinkly old witch!

Kelsi and Savanna are both pregnant! Again! They always do things in their own way and at their own speed, but it is funny how getting married and creating their families seem to be in the same time zone. We are thrilled for both of them. Now they move from that newly married/new parent stage into the realm of experienced parent with multiple children. This means they are no longer allowed to ask questions regarding the care of a child under the age of their oldest! (just kidding) Of course, Brian is absolutely over the moon with the idea of adding more grandkids to dote on. He loves watching his family expand. I on the other hand, sit in awe of how brave women are to repeatedly expose themselves to eternal torture. Child birth is something that remains with us throughout our lives. It either strengthens us, or scares the pee out of us. Guess which one I am.

The country has miraculously voted it's first Black President into office. I am thrilled! I don't believe his skin color will help him to clean up the economic mess of our country, but he seems like a genuine family man. I think the white house is going to be different with Obama's two little girls running around. It is something that needs to happen so everyone up on that hill remembers there is another generation coming up behind us!